Ricardo Estrada Navas
Académico de Número
- Catedrático, Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica.
- Bachillerato, Matemática, Universidad de Costa Rica (1975).
- Licenciatura, Matemática, Universidad de Costa Rica (1976).
- Ph.D., Matemática, Pennsylvania State University (1980).

Ricardo Estrada enfoca su área de estudio en el Análisis Matemático Aplicado, específicamente estudia los siguientes temas: Teoría de las Distribuciones y Funciones Generalizadas (propagación de onda, mecánica cuántica), Ecuaciones Integrales (ecuaciones singulares integrales), Análisis y Aproximaciones asintóticas (Aproximación de funciones por distribuciones), Sumabilidad (Sumabilidad de funciones generalizadas, sumabilidad Borel), Economía Matemática, los problemas de momentos, entre otros.
Ha ocupado los siguientes cargos: Full Professor Louisiana State University (2002- ), Instructor (1974-77), Profesor Asociado (1981-86) y Full Professor (1987-2002) de la Universidad de Costa Rica, Asistente graduado de docencia (1977-80), Fulbright Scholar (1990), Pennsylvania State University, Profesor visitante (1983-84 y 1994-95),Texas A&M University, Director de Estudios de Postgrado, Escuela de Matemática, Universidad de Costa Rica (1981-82 y 1986-90), Director, Departamento de Matemática Pura, Escuela de Matemática, Universidad de Costa Rica (1982-83 y 1984-86).
Ha recibido los siguientes reconocimientos: obtuvo los honores más altos en todos los grados, Profesor completo más joven de la Universidad de Costa Rica, Premio al Matemático Jóven otorgado por la Unión Internacional de Matemática para asisitir al Congreso Internacional de Matemática celebrado en Kyoto, Japón (1990), Miembro fundador de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Costa Rica (1992- ), Premio Tirad World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) (1992), Hijo Favorito de la Ciudad de San José, Costa Rica (1993), Premio Nacional de Ciencia Clodomiro Picado Twight (1996), Postulado para uno de los premios científicos mundiales TWAS, por el CONICIT (2001).
Publicaciones representativas:
[1] RICARDO ESTRADa, Sistemas Diferenciales Ordinarios, CAEM, San Jos´e, Costa Rica, 1977.
[2] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Asymptotic Analysis : a distributional approach, Birkh¨auser, Boston, 1994.
[3] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Singular Integral Equations, Birkh¨auser, Boston, 2000.
[4] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, A distributional approach to Asymp- totics, Birkhauser, Boston, 2002.
[5] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Applications of distributional derivatives to wave propagation, J.Inst.Math.Appl. 26 (1980), 39-63.
[6] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Distributional biharmonic equation,
J.Math.Phys.Scs. 14 (1980), 283-293.
[7] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Applications of generalized functions in Economics, J.NonlinearAnal. 5 (1981), 1379-1387.
[8] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Distributional boundary values of ana- lytic and harmonic functions, J.Math.Anal.Appl. 89 (1982), 262-289.
[9] RICARDO ESTRADa, Existencia de funciones suaves que no son anal´ıticas en ninguna parte, Matem.Costrr. 1 (1984), 1-5.
[10] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Distributional analysis of discontinuous fields, J.Math.Anal.Appl. 105 (1985), 478-490.
[11] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Distributional solutions of singular integral equations, J.Int.Eqns. 8 (1985), 41-85.
[12] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Regularization and distributional derivatives of .x2 + · · · x2Σn/2 in DJ (Rp) , Proc.Roy. Soc. London A 401 (1985), 281-
[13] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Distributional solutions of dual integral equations of Cauchy, Abel and Titchmarsh types, J.Int.Eqns. 9 (1985), 277-305.
[14] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Cauchy type singular integral equa- tions, Ganita 36 (1985), 1-25.
[15] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Series which converge on sets of null density, Proc.Amer.Math.Soc. 97 (1986), 682-686.
[16] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Some results in discontinuous fields and wave propagation, J.Math.Anal.Appl. 128 (1987), 389-404.
[17] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Carleman type singular integral equa- tions, SIAM Review 29 (1987), 263-290.
[18] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Higher order fundamental forms of a surface and their applications to wave propagation and distributional derivatives, Rend. Cir. Mat. Palermo 36 (1987), 27-62.
[19] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Moment sequences for a certain class of distributions, Complex Variables 9 (1987), 31-39.
[20] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, A distributional analysis for the delta function with support on the light cone, J.Phys. A 21 (1988), 2667-2675.
[21] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Regularization, pseudofunction, and Hadamard finite part, J.Math.Anal.Appl. 141 (1989), 195-207.
[22] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Integral equations with logarithmic kernels, IMA J.Appl.Math. 43 (1989),133-155.
[23] RICARDO ESTRADa, JosE´ GRACIA-BOND´IA AND JOSEPH VARILLy, On asymptotic expansions of twisted products, J.Math.Phys. 30 (1989), 2789-2796.
[24] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, A distributional theory for asymptotic expansions, Proc.Roy.Soc.London A 428 (1990), 399-430.
[25] RICARDO ESTRADa, The asymptotic expansion of generalized functions, in: Ab- stracts of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Kyoto, Japan, 1991.
[26] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Distributional solutions of the Wiener- Hopf integral and integro-differential equations, J.Int.Eqns.Appls. 3 (1991), 489-514.
[27] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Non-classical derivation of the trans- port theorems for wave fronts, J.Math.Anal.Appl. 159 (1991), 290-297.
[28] RICARDO ESTRADa, Series of Dirac delta functions, Proceedings of the International Conference on Differential Equations, Edinburg,Texas,1991; in: Partial Differential Equa- tions, π Pitman Research Notes 273, 44-48.
[29] RICARDO ESTRADa, Funciones generalizadas que dependen anal´ıticamente de un par´ametro, Cienc.Mat. (C.R.) 2 (1991), 53-56.
[30] RICARDO ESTRADa, The asymptotic expansion of certain series considered by Ra- manujan, Applicable Analysis 43 (1992), 191-228.
[31] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, The asymptotic expansion of some multidimensional generalized functions, J.Math. Anal.Appl. 163 (1992), 264-283.
[32] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Taylor expansions for distributions,
Math.Meth.Appl.Scs. 16 (1992), 297-304.
[33] RICARDO ESTRADa, The separation of zeros for functions with compact spectrum,
J.Math.Anal.Appl. 171 (1992), 593-594.
[34] RICARDO ESTRADa, Strong moment problems for rapidly decreasing smooth func- tions, Proc. Amer. Math.Soc. 120 (1994), 529-534.
[35] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Asymptotic separation of variables,
J.Math.Anal.Appl. 171 (1993), 130-142.
[36] RICARDO ESTRADa, Fo´rmulas de reconstrucci´on asint´otica, Proceedings of the VI International Congress of Biomathematics, San Jos´e, Costa Rica, 1993, 39-47.
[37] RICARDO ESTRADa, Valores puntuales distribucionales de series de Fourier, Memo- rias II Encuentro Centroamericano de Matem´aticos, vol.2, San Ram´on, Costa Rica, 1994, 465-472.
[38] RICARDO ESTRADa, The continuity of certain functions defined by oscillatory inte- grals, Applicable Analysis 55 (1994), 177-184.
[39] Luis GUSTAVo HERNA´NDEZ-UREn˜A AND RICARDO ESTRADa, Solution of ordinary differential equations by series of delta functions, J.Math. Anal. Appls. 191 (1995), 40-55.
[40] RICARDO ESTRADa, Regularization and asymptotic expansion of some generalized functions defined by divergent series, Int.J.Math.Math.Scs. 18 (1995), 735-744.
[41] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, A distributional approach to the boundary layer theory, J.Math.Anal.Appls. 192 (1995), 796-812.
[42] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, The appareance of nonclassical terms in the analysis of point source fields, Amer. J. Phys. 63 (1995), 278.
[43] RICARDO ESTRADa, Asymptotic approximation by cardinal series, Proceedings of the VIII Texas Conference on Approximation Theory, College Station, Texas, 1995; in: Approximation Theory VIII, vol.1, World Scientific Pub.Co., 1996, 193-198.
[44] RICARDO ESTRADa AND VERNOR ArGUEDAS, Extension sets for real-analytic functions and applications to Radon transforms, Int.J.Math.Math.Scs. 19 (1996), 625- 632.
[45] CARLOS M. ULATE AND RICARDO ESTRADa, Expansion of distributional kernels of the type f (λx, x) as λ → ∞, Math.Proc.Camb. Phil. Soc. 121 (1997), 129-139.
[46] RICARDO ESTRADa, Dirichlet convolution inverses and solution of integral equa- tions, J.Int.Eqns.Appls. 7 (1996), 159-166.
[47] RICARDO ESTRADa, Characterization of the Fourier series of distributions having a value at a point, Proc.Amer.Math.Soc. 124 (1996), 1205-1212.
[48] RICARDO ESTRADa, Aproximaci´on asint´otica de funcionales anal´ıticos, Rev. Un. Mat. Argenentina 39 (1995), 125-136.
[49] RICARDO EsTRADA, Summability of cardinal series and of localized Fourier series,
Applicable Analysis 59 (1995), 271-288.
[50] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Pre-asymptotic expansions, J. Math. Anal. Appls. 202 (1996), 470-484.
[51] RICARDO ESTRADa, Vector moment problems for rapidly decreasing functions of several variables, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 126 (1998), 761-768.
[52] RICARDO ESTRADa, On the Euler-Maclaurin asymptotic formula, Bol.Soc.Mat.Mex.
3 (1997), 117-133.
[53] RICARDO ESTRADa, Regularization of distributions, Int.J.Math.Math.Scs. 21 (1997), 625-636.
[54] RICARDO ESTRADa, Boundary layers and spectral content asymptotics, Proceedings of the International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, Spring- field, Missouri, 1996, in: Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, vol.I, Southwest Missouri University Press, 1996, 242-252.
[55] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Moment expansion analysis for time- domain asymptotics, Math.Meth.Appl.Scs. 21 (1998), 489-499.
[56] RICARDO ESTRADa, The Ces`aro behaviour of distributions, Proc.Roy.Soc.London A 454 (1998), 2425-2443.
bility of distributions and spectral geometry, Commun.Math.Phys. 191 (1998), 219-248.
[58] RICARDO ESTRADa AND RAM P. KANWAL, Extensions of the Poisson summation formula, J.Math.Anal.Appls. 218 (1998), 581-606.
[59] RICARDO ESTRADa, The analytic continuation of moment functions and of zeta functions, Rev. Paranaense de Matematica 18 (1998), 191-209.
[60] CARLOS M. ULATE AND RICARDO ESTRADa, Una f´ormula distribucional de sumacion de tipo Euler-Maclaurin en dos variables, Divulg.Mat. 6 (1998), 93-112.
[61] RICARDO ESTRADa AND STEVE A. FULLING, Distributional asymptotic expansion of spectral functions and of the associated Green kernels, Electronic J.Diff.Eqns. 1999 (1999), 1-37.
[62] RICARDO ESTRADa, An extension of the integral test, Proc.Amer.Math.Soc. 127
(1999), 1745-1751.
[63] RICARDO EsTRADA, Problemas de frontera para ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias,
2000 UCR Differential Equations Meeting, San Jos´e, Costa Rica, 2000.
[64] RICARDO ESTRADa, Some Tauberian theorems for Schwartz distributions, Publica- tiones Mathematicae Debrecen 61 (2002), 1-9.
[65] RICARDO ESTRADa AND STEVE A. FULLING, How singular functions define dis- tributions, J. Physics A 35 (2002), 3079-3089.
[66] RICARDO ESTRADa, A generalization of the residue formula, Bull Malaysian Math. Sc. Soc. 25 (2002), 39-52.
[67] CARLOS M. ULATE AND RICARDO EsTRADA, Asymptotic expansion of two di- mensional distributional Euler-Maclaurin formulas, Far East J. Math. Scs. 6 (2002), 1-29.
[68] RICARDO ESTRADa, Abel summability and angular convergence, Scientia 9 (2003), 45-51.
[69] RICARDO ESTRADa, The non-existence of regularization operators, J. Math. Anal. Appls. 286 (2003), 1-10.
[70] RICARDO ESTRADa, Regularization of integral equations in spaces of distributions,
J. Integ. Eqns. 15 (2003), 241-262.
[71] RICARDO ESTRADa, Sumabilidad de Abel y convergencia no-tangencial, Lecturas Matem´aticas 24 (2003), 27-35.
[72] RICARDO ESTRADa, Boundary values of analytic functions without distributional point values, Tamkang J. Math. 35 (2004), 53-60.
[73] RICARDO ESTRADa, A distributional version of the Ferenc Luk´acs theorem, Sarajevo J. Math. 1 (2005), 75-92.
[74] RICARDO ESTRADa, Distributional radius of curvature, Math. Meth. Appl. Scs.
29 (2006), 427-444.
[75] RICARDO ESTRADa, One-sided cluster sets of distributional boundary values of analytic functions, Complex Var. and Elliptic Eqns. 51 (2006), 661-673.
[76] RICARDO ESTRADa, Regularization of hyperfunctions, Z. Anal. Anwend. 25 (2006), 299-310.
[77] JASSON VINDAS AND RICARDO ESTRADa, Global behavior of integral transforms,
J. Inequal. Appls. 2006, Art. Id. 61980, 16 pages.
[78] RICARDO ESTRADa AND STEVE A. FULLING, Spaces of test functions and distri- butions in spaces with thick points, Int. J. Appl. Math. Stat.10 (2007), 25-37.
[79] JASSON VINDAS AND RICARDO ESTRADa, Distributional point values and conver- gence of Fourier series and integrals, J. Fourier Anal. Appls. 13 (2007), 551-576.
[80] RICARDO ESTRADa, On entire functions of exponential type with an infinite number of sign changes, Int. J. Math. Anal. (Ruse) 1 (2007), 369-378.
[81] JASSON VINDAS AND RICARDO ESTRADa, Distributionally regulated functions,
Studia Math. 181 (2007), 211-236.
[82] JASSON VINDAS AND RICARDO ESTRADa, On the jump behavior of distributions and logarithmic averages, J. Math. Anal. Appls. 347 (2008), 597-606.
[83] JASSON VINDAS AND RICARDO ESTRADa, A tauberian theorem for distributional point values, Arch. Math. (Basel) 91 (2008), 247-253.
[84] RICARDO ESTRADa, STEPHEN A. FULLING, LEV KAPLAN, KLAus KIRSTEN, ZHONGHAI Liu, AND KIMBALL A. MILTON, Vacuum stress energy density and its grav- itational implications, J. Physics A 41 (2008), 164055, 11 pages.
[85] JASSON VINDAS AND RICARDO ESTRADa, Measures and the distributional φ trans- form, Integral Transforms and Special Functions 20 (2009), 325-332.
[86] JASSON VINDAS AND RICARDO ESTRADa, Determination of jumps of distributions by differentiated means, Acta Math. Hungar. 124 (2009), 215-241.
[87] JASSON VINDAS AND RICARDO ESTRADa, A quick distributional way to the prime number theorem, Indag. Math. N.S. 20 (2009), 159-165.
[88] JASSON VINDAS AND RICARDO ESTRADa, On the support of tempered distribu- tions, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 53 (2010), 255-270.
[89] JASSON VINDAS AND RICARDO ESTRADa, On the order of summability of the Fourier inversion formula, Anal. Theory and Appls. 26 (2010), 13–42.
[90] JASSON VINDAS AND RICARDO ESTRADa, On the Romanovski’s lemma, Real Anal. Exchange 35 (2010), 431–443.
[91] RICARDO ESTRADa, Distributions that are functions, Linear and non-linear theory of generalized functions and its applications, 91–110, Banach Center Publ. 88, Polish Acad. Sci. Inst. Math., Warsaw, 2010.
[92] JASSON VINDAS AND RicARDO ESTRADa, On the point behavior of Fourier series and conjugate series, Z. Anal. Anwend 29 (2010), 487–504.
[93] Yuri A. ANTIPOv, RICARDO ESTRADa, AND Boris RUBIN, Method of analytic continuation for the inverse spherical mean transform in constant curvature spaces, Jour- nal d’Analyse Math´ematique 118 (2012), 623-656.
[94] RICARDO ESTRADa, The set of singularities of regulated functions of several vari- ables, Collectanea Mathematica, 63 (2012), 351-359.
[95] JASSON VINDAS AND RICARDO EsTRADA, A general integral, Disertationes Math- ematicae (Rozprawy Mat.) 483 (2012), 49 pages.
[96] JASSON VINDAS AND RICARDO ESTRAda, Exterior Euler summability, J. Math. Anal. Appls. 388 (2012), 48-60.
[97] RICARDO ESTRADa, STEPHEN A. FULLING, AND FERNANDO D. MERA, Surface vacuum energy in cutoff models: presure anomaly and distributional gravitational limit, J. Physics A 45 (2012), 455402, 19 pages.
[98] JASSON VINDAS AND RICARDO ESTRADa, On Tauber’s second theorem, Tohoku Mathematical Journal 64 (2012), 539-560.
[99] RICARDO ESTRADa AND JASSON VINDAS, On distributional point values and boundary values of analytic functions, Rendiconti Sem. Mat. Torino 70 (2012), 121- 126.
[100] JASSON VINDAS AND RICARDO ESTRADa, On Borel summability and analytic functionals, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 43 (2013), 895-903.
[101] YUNYUN YANG AND RICARDO ESTRADa, The dual of the space of regulated functions in several variables, Sarajevo J. Math. 9 (2013), 197-216.
[102] YUNYUN YANG AND RICARDO ESTRADa, Regularization using different surfaces and the second order derivatives of 1/r, Applicable Analysis 92 (2013), 246-258.
[103] YUNYUN YANG AND RICARDO ESTRADa, Distributions in spaces with thick points, J. Math. Anal. Appls. 401 (2013), 821-835.
[104] JASSON VINDAS AND RICARDO ESTRADa, Distributional versions of Littlewood’s theorem, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 63 (2013), 403–420.
[105] YUNYUN YANG AND RICARDO ESTRADa, Extension of Frahm formulas for ∂i∂j (1/r) ,
Indian Journal of Mathematics 55 (2013), 1-9.
[106] RICARDO ESTRADa, On Radial Functions and Distributions and Their Fourier Transforms, J. Fourier Analysis and Appls. 20 (2014), 301-320.
[107] YUNYUN YANG AND RICARDO ESTRADa, Applications of the thick distributional calculus, Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 44 (2014), 121-135.
[108] YUNYUN YANG AND RICARDO ESTRADa, Asymptotic expansion of thick distri- butions, Asymptotic Analysis 95 (2015), 1-19.
[109] RICARDO ESTRADa, Diagonal spherical means of generalized functions, Integral Transforms and Special Functions 26 (2015), 796-811.
[110] RICARDO ESTRADa, The Radon transform of certain oscillatory distributions,
Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 39 (2015), 197-205.
[111] RICARDO ESTRADa, A two cones support theorem, Opuscula Mathematica 36
(2015), 207-213.
[112] RICARDO ESTRADa AND Boris RUBIN, Null spaces of Radon transforms, Ad- vances in Mathematics 290 (2016), 1159-1182.
[113] RICARDO ESTRADa, Regularization and derivatives of multipole potentials, J. Math. Anal. Appls., 446 (2017), 770-785.
[114] RICARDO ESTRADa AND MirOSLAV PAVLOvic´, L’Hˆopital’s monotone rule, Gro- mov’s theorem, and operations that preserve the monotonicity of quotients, Publications de l’Institut Math´ematique (Beograd) 11 (2017), 11-27.
[115] RICARDO ESTRADa AND JASSON VINDAS, A generalization of the Banach-Steinhaus theorem for finite part limits, Bull Malaysian Math. Sc. Soc. 40 (2017), 907-918.
[116] RICARDO ESTRADa, Products of harmonic polynomials and delta functions, Ad- vances in Analysis 3 (2018), 23-27.
[117] RICARDO ESTRADa AND JASSON VINDAS, General Stieltjes moment problems for rapidly decreasing smooth functions, Studia Math. 238 (2017), 271-295.
[118] RICARDO ESTRADa, The Funk-Hecke formula, harmonic polynomials, and deriva- tives of radial distributions, Rev. Paranaense de Matematica 37 (2019), 141-155.
[119] RICARDO ESTRADa AND Boris RUBIN, Radon-John transforms and spherical har- monics, (2017), Contemporary Mathematics 714, ( 2018), https://doi.org/10.1090/conm
[120] RICARDO ESTRADa, Changes of variables in hypersingular integrals, Indian Jour- nal of Mathematics 60 (2018), 23-36.
[121] RICARDO ESTRADa, Harmonic polynomials by differentiation, Anal. Theory and Appls. 34 (2018), 336-347.
[122] RICARDO ESTRADa, On Pizzetti’s formula, Asymptotic Analysis 111 (2019), 1-14.
[123] RICARDO ESTRADa, Formal series on cylinders and their Radon transform, Viet- nam Journal of Mathematics 47 (2019), 417-430.
[124] RICARDO ESTRADa, The Gauss decomposition of products of spherical harmonics,
Revista Colombiana de Matem´atica 53 (2019), 47-69.
[125] RICARDO ESTRADa, Some series of distributionally integrable functions, Transyl- vanian Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics 10 (2018), 75-88.
[126] RICARDO ESTRADa, The Cauchy integral representation formula and distributional integration, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 64 (2019), 1854-1868.
[127] RICARDO ESTRADa, JASSON VINDAS AND YUNYUN YANG, The Fourier transform of thick distributions, Analysis and Applications 19 (2021), 621-646.
[128] RICARDO ESTRADa, Characterization of harmonic functions by the behavior of means at a single point, SN Partial Differ. Equ. Appl. 1 (2020), https://doi.org/10.1007
/s42985-019-0003-z .
[129] RICARDO ESTRADa, Evaluation of convergent series by using finite parts, Open Journal of Mathematical Sciences 4 (2020), 98-109.
[130] RICARDO ESTRADa, The moments of real analytic functions, Contemporary Math- ematics 1 (2019), 112-118.
[131] RICARDO ESTRADa, Extended point values of distributions, Contributions to Mathematics 2 (2020), 22–31.
[132] RICARDO ESTRADa AND KEVIN KELLINSKY-GONZALEZ, Generalized functions and the expansion of moments, Electronic Journal of Mathematics 1 (2021), 69-84.
[133] RICARDO ESTRADa AND KEVIN KELLINSKY-GONZALEZ, Distributional point values and delta sequences, submitted.