Héctor M. Guzmán

Héctor M. Guzmán

Académico de Número


  •         Científico permanente Senior, Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales (STRI) desde 1994, y profesor adjunto de la Universidad McGill desde 2008.
  •          B.Sc. Biología, Universidad de Costa Rica (1979)
  •          M.Sc. Biología Marina, Universidad de Costa Rica (1986)
  •          Ph.D. Biología Marina, Newcastle University en el Reino Unido (1994)


Héctor M. Guzmán enfoca su área de investigación en la ecología marina, biología de la conservación, taxonomía, y ecología del movimiento de especies migratorias, que permita en lo posible la formulación de políticas ambientales. Maneja proyectos sobre los movimientos migratorios de especies marinas altamente migratorias (ballenas Jorobadas, Sei, Azules y Aleta, tiburones, tortugas, manatíes, aves); la dinámica de población, taxonomía y monitoreo a largo plazo de corales de arrecifes; la pesca de especies pelágicas; los impactos humanos en ecosistemas marinos, manejo costero y contaminación marina. Guzmán ha publicado más de 210 manuscritos científicos y contribuido en el desarrollo de 30 políticas ambientales regionales y locales basadas en su investigación básica. Los resultados de esos estudios han sido esenciales para desarrollar regulaciones pesqueras en Panamá, para protección de especies amenazadas, y para crear nuevas protegidas marinas áreas en Costa Rica, Honduras, Venezuela y Panamá.



Publicaciones representativas:

•    Guzman, H.M. Beaver, C.E., & Diaz-Ferguson, E. (2021). Novel insights into the genetic population connectivity of transient whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) in Pacific Panama provide crucial data for conservation efforts. Frontiers Marine Science. 8: 744109.
•    Urban J.R., E. Jiménez-López, H.M. Guzman, L. Viloria-Gómora. (2021). Migratory behavior of an eastern North Pacific gray whale from Baja California Sur to Chirikov Basin, Alaska. Frontiers Mar. Sci. 8, 235.
•    Guzman, H.M., N. Hinojosa & S. Kaiser. (2020). Ship’s compliance with a Traffic Separation Scheme and speed limit in the Gulf of Panama and implications for the risk to humpback whales. Marine Policy. 120: 104113.
•    Guzman, H.M., Capella, J.J., Valladares, C., Gibbons, J., Condit, R. (2020). Humpback whale movements in a narrow and heavily-used shipping passage, Chile. Marine Policy. 118: 103990.
•    Guzman, H.M., S. Kaiser & E.Weil. (2020). Assessing the long-term effects of a catastrophic oil spill on subtidal coral reef communities off the Caribbean coast of Panama (1985-2017). Marine Records. 50:1-19.
•    Guzman, H.M., S. Kaiser, V.J. van Hinsberg. (2020). Accumulation of trace elements in leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) eggs from the south-western Caribbean indicates potential health effects to consumers. Chemosphere 243: 125424.
•    Guzman, H.M., G. Rogers, C.G. Gomez. (2019). Behavioral states related to environmental conditions and fisheries during olive ridley turtle migration from Pacific Panama. Frontiers Mar. Sci. 6: 770.
•    Merchan, F., G. Echevers, H. Poveda, J.E. Sanchez-Galan & H.M. Guzman. (2019). Detection and identification of manatee individual vocalizations in Panamanian wetlands using spectrogram clustering. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 146:1745-1757.
•    Guzman, H.M., R. Cipriani, A. Vega & J.M Morales-Saldana. (2019). Fisheries and conservation assessments of shark in Pacific Panama. Aquat. Conserv. Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 30:315-330.
•    Capella, J. J., Félix, F., Flórez-González, L., Gibbons, J., Haase, B., & Guzman, H. M. (2018). Spatiotemporal differences in killer whale (Orcinus orca) predation on humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) along the eastern South Pacific. Endanger. Species Res. 37:207-281.
•    Guzman, H.M., C. Gomez, S.A. Eckert & A. Hern. (2018). Longest recorded trans-Pacific migration of a whale shark (Rhincodon typus). Marine Biodiversity Records. 11:1-6.
•    Gómez, C., Guzman, H.M. & González, A. (2017). Stability and dynamic properties of octocoral communities in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 588:71-84.
•    Guzman, H.M. & J.J. Capella. (2017). Short-Term Recovery of Humpback Whales after Percutaneous Satellite Tagging. J. Wildlife Management. 81:728-733.
•    Ross, D., H.M. Guzman, C. Potvin, V.J. van Hinsberg. (2017). A review of toxic metal contamination in marine turtle tissues and its implications for human health. Regional Studies in Marine Science. 15:1-9.
•    Guzman, H.M. & R. Condit. (2017). Abundance of manatees (Trichechus manatus) in a Panama wetland estimated from side-scan sonar. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 41:556-565.
•    Guzman, H.M. & F. Felix (2017). Movements and Habitat Use by Southeast Pacific Humpback Whales Satellite Tracked at Two Breeding Grounds Sites. Aquatic Mammals. 43:139-155.
•    Breedy, O. & H.M. Guzman. (2016). A new Muricea species (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Octocorallia) from the eastern tropical Pacific. Zookeys. 629: 1-10.
•    Sanhil, C & H.M. Guzman. 2016. Macroalgal communities on multi-stressed coral reefs in the Caribbean: Long-term changes, spatial variations, and relationships with environmental variables. J. Mar. Res. 117:7-19.
•    Ross, D., H.M. Guzman, V.J. van Hinsberg & C. Potvin. (2016). Metal contents of marine turtle eggs (Chelonia mydas; Lepidochelys olivacea) from the Pacific coast of Panama and the implications for human health. Journal Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 1-13.
•    Guzman, H.M., E. Díaz-Ferguson, A.J. Vega & Y.A. Robles. (2015). Preliminary assessment of the dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) fishery in Pacific Panama. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63: 705-716.
•    Felix, F. & H.M. Guzman. 2014. Satellite Tracking and Sighting Data Analyses of Southeast Pacific Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae): Is the Migratory Route Coastal or Oceanic? Aqua. Mamm. 40:329-340.
•    Harper, S., H.M. Guzman, K. Zylich & D. Zeller. 2014. Reconstructing Panama's total fisheries catches from 1950-2010: highlighting data deficiencies and management needs. Mar. Fish. Rev. 76(10):51-65.
•    Guzman, H.M., R. Condit, B. Pérez-Ortega, J.J. Capella and P. Stevick. 2014. Population size and migratory connectivity of humpback whales wintering in Las Perlas Archipelago, Panama. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 31:90-105.
•    Breedy, O. & H.M. Guzman. 2013. A new species of the genus Eugorgia Verrill, 1868 (Cnidaria: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) from mesophotic reefs in the eastern Pacific. Bull Mar. Sci. 89:735-743.
•    Guzman, H.M., C.G. Gomez, C.A. Guevara & L. Kleivane. 2013. Potential vessel collisions with southern hemisphere humpback whales wintering off Pacific Panama. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 29:629-642.
•    Breddy, O. & H.M. Guzman. 2012. A new species of Leptogorgia (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Octocorallia) from Golfo Dulce, Pacific, Costa Rica. Zootaxa 3182:65-68.
•    Mair, J.M., R. Cipriani, H.M. Guzman & D. Usan. 2012. Assessment of the Green Jack fishery (Caranx caballus, Osteichytes: Carangidae) in Las Perlas Archipelago, Pacific Panama. Rev. Biol. Trop. 60: 1271-1288.
•    Guzman, H.M.  & O. Breedy. 2011. Pacifigorgia marviva (Anthozoa: Octocorallia) a new species from Coiba National Park, Pacific Panama. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. 92: 693-698.
•    Harper, S.J.M., C.R. Bates, H.M. Guzman, J.M. Mair. 2010. Acoustic mapping of fish aggregation areas to improve fisheries management in Las Perlas Archipelago, Pacific Panama. Ocean and Coastal Management 53: 615-623.
•    Breedy, O.  H.M. Guzman & S. Vargas. 2009. A revision of the genus Eugorgia Verrill, 1868 (Coelenterata: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae). Zootaxa 2151: 1-46.
•    Guzman, H.M., R. Cipriani, A.J. Vega, M. Lopez & J.M. Mair. 2008. Population assessment of the Pacific green spiny lobster Panulirus gracilis in Pacific Panama. J. Shellfish Res. 27: 907-915.
•    Guzman, H.M., R. Cipriani & J.B.C. Jackson. 2008. Historical decline in coral reef growth after the Panama Canal. Ambio 37:342-346.
•    Guzman, H.M. & O. Breddy. 2008. Leptogorgia christiae (Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) a new shallow water gorgonian from Pacific Panama. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. UK. 88:719-722.
•    Guzman, H.M., S. Benfield, O. Breedy & J.M. Mair. 2008. Broadening reef conservation across the Tropical Eastern Pacific Seascape: Distribution and diversity of reefs in Las Perlas Archipelago, Panama. Environm. Conserv. 35:1-9.
•    Guzman, H.M. & J. Cortes. 2007. Reef recovery 20 years after the 1982-83 El Niño massive mortality. Mar. Biol. 151: 401-411.
•    Guzman, H.M., C.A. Guevara & O. Breedy. 2004. Distribution, diversity, and conservation of coral reefs and coral communities in the largest marine protected area of Pacific Panama (Coiba Island). Environm. Conserv. 31: 111-121.
•    Guzman, H.M. & A. Tewfik. 2004. Population Characteristics and Co-occurrence of three exploited decapods (Panulirus argus, P. guttatus, Mithrax spinosissimus) in Bocas del Toro, Panama. J. Shellfish Res. 23: 575-580.
•    Guzman, H.M. 2003. Caribbean Coral Reefs of Panama: Present Status and Future Perspectives. In: J. Cortes (ed.), pp. 241-274. Latin American Coral Reefs. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
•    Guzman, H.M., C.A. Guevara & A. Castillo. 2003. Natural disturbances and mining of Panamanian coral reefs by indigenous people. Conserv. Biol. 17: 1-7.
•    Guzman, H.M., C.A. Guevara & I.C. Hernández. 2003. Reproductive cycle of two commercial species of sea cucumber (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) from Caribbean Panama. Mar. Biol. 142: 271-279.
•    Guzman, H.M. & E.M. García. 2002. Mercury levels in coral reefs along the Caribbean coast of Central America. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 44: 1415-1420.
•    Guzman, H.M. & C.A. Guevara. 2002. Annual reproductive cycle, spatial distribution, abundance, and size structure of Oreaster reticulatus (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) in Bocas del Toro, Panama. Mar. Biol. 141: 1077-1084.
•    Guzman, H.M. & J. Cortés. 2001. Changes in reef community structure after fifteen years of natural disturbances in the eastern Pacific reefs (Costa Rica). Bull. Mar. Sci. 69: 133-149.
•    Guzman, H.M. & A.W. Tudhope. 1998. Seasonal Variation in skeletal extension rate and stable isotopic (13C/12C and 18O/16O) composition in response to several environmental variables in the Caribbean coral Siderastrea siderea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 166:109-118.
•    Guzman, H.M. & K.E. Jarvis. 1996. Vanadium century record from Caribbean reef corals: a tracer of oil pollution in Panama. Ambio 25: 523-526.
•    Guzman, H.M., K. Burns & J.B.C. Jackson. 1994. Injury, regeneration, and growth of Caribbean reef corals after a major oil spill in Panama. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 105: 231-241.
•    Guzman, H.M. & I. Holst. 1993. Effects of chronic oil-sediment pollution on the reproduction of the Caribbean reef coral Siderastrea siderea. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 26: 276-282.
•    Guzman, H.M. and C.E. Jiménez. 1992. Contamination of coral reefs by heavy metals along the Caribbean coast of Central America (Costa Rica and Panama). Mar. Pollut. Bull. 24: 554- 561    
•    Guzman, H.M., J.B.C. Jackson & E. Weil. 1991. Short-term ecological consequences of a major oil spill on Panamanian subtidal reef corals. Coral Reefs 10: 1-12.
•    Guzman, H.M. 1991. Restoration of coral reefs in Pacific Costa Rica. Conserv. Biol. 5: 189-195.
•    Guzman, H.M., J. Cortés, P.W. Glynn & R.H. Richmond. 1990. Coral mortality associated with dinoflagellate blooms in the eastern Pacific. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 60: 299-303.
•    Guzman, H.M. & J. Cortés. 1989. Community structure of the coral reefs at Caño Island, Pacific Costa Rica. P.S.Z.N.I. Mar. Ecol. 10: 23-41.
•    Guzman, H.M. & J. Cortés. 1989. Growth rates of eight species of scleractinian corals in the eastern Pacific (Costa Rica). Bull. Mar. Sci. 44: 1186-1194.
•    Guzman, H.M., V.L. Obando & J. Cortés. 1987. Meiofauna associated with a Pacific coral reef in Costa Rica. Coral Reefs 6: 107-112.